Merlin Woods Sports Club

Founded 2014

Co. Galway

The great and safe reasons your child should play with their community club

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Hi Everyone

Meet Leon, Ugnius and Kacper at Merlin Woods. They play with their local community club, less than 100 yards from their front doors.

They get to play regularly, they are not sitting warming benches, have none of the pschycological pressures of maintaining their places on teams. they rotate at games and play with their friends

Many benefits accrue to your child when they play with their friends in the club where they live, socialise and go to schools.

Benefits and sport science reports conclude that playing and supporting in your community club is safer, healthier for the mind, the physical fitness of your child and better outcomes in learning for your child and family.

If you are a parent do you feel you are constantly been shaken down for more cash for more and more so called "elite" coaching, are your kids any happier commuting to clubs, been ferried to clubs at huge cost from your family budget.

Ask yourself why your kids are not playing for your community club, come and look at your community, find out what is going on on your own doorstep. Inform yourself and decide what is best for your family.

If you have children living in the Merlin Woods, Doughiska, Roscam, Ballybrit, Castlegar, Brierhill, Ardaun and Parkmore area's we invite parents to check out our sports club based at the ARD Cumasu family resource centre (across from Lidl) on Doughiska Road.

We have plenty of green grass, astro turf, community centre, dressing rooms and floodlights. Keep your child playing longer , give them choice. We have soccer, athletics, tennis, basketball, volleyball and foroige.

Teach your child to participate happily and learn often. As a parent encourage the effort not the win as this brings resilience in sport, school and life.

Support your community, enable us to empower your family, save you time and money and learn resilience and growth mindset.

Come down an look at our wizards, our girls and boys teams, our adult teams, we train, play and have fun consistently and often.

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Inspire - educate - Engage