Merlin Woods Sports Club

Founded 2014

Co. Galway

Support Creative to stay in Ireland

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We are devastated that our friend Creative Ngwenya (Mdu) is now facing the reality of having to depart the land of saints and scholars.

Creative is an absolute gentleman originally from Zimbabwe, we have had the absolute pleasure in Merlin Woods FC and Castlegar Athletics of his company, Creative has participated in soccer, athletics and cricket and in his hour of need we are asking you to sign the petition below.

Mdu is a founding member of The Melting Pot Luck, which was established in early 2017 and he has been the chairperson of the group since November 2019. Mdu is from Zimbabwe and has been living in Direct Provision in Galway for the last 3 years. Despite living in those challenging and limiting conditions he has successfully integrated in Galway and has become a key part of the community. Mdu embodies the spirit of what makes Galway great, and he works tirelessly to help improve things for people living here. He is an amazingly talented, positive, warm, hard-working and socially conscious individual and he has made a huge effort to integrate and engage with the community in Galway.

As well as volunteering with The Melting Pot Luck for the past three years Mdu has been involved with numerous volunteer programs with organisations like Galway City Partnership (GCP) and Amnesty International, running educational workshops in schools and training sessions with professionals. He also developed a social enterprise initiative with The Melting Pot Luck, GCP and Tiny Traders market during summer 2019. He is actively involved in the Galway arts scene, DJing regularly with Galway African Diaspora at Áras na Gael. Mdu is also on the committee for the University of Sanctuary at NUIG where he studies Science.

TD Charlie Flanagan has the power to grant Mdu humanitarian leave to remain in Ireland, and we urge him to do so. 

What can you do to help? 

  • Sign this petition to support Mdu and share it widely with your contacts. 
  • Contact Charlie Flanagan directly by email at, and BCC Attached is a template email which you can use to do this. Please edit as you see fit.
  • Please share the attached image on social media, and share the petition link online:, using the hashtag #SaveMdu
  •  Attend the public musical rally to support Theo and Mdu, and to call for an end to deportations. This event, organised by Galway Anti-Racism Network, Atmos Collective and several other organisations begains at 1pm on the 1st of Feburary, starting from the Spanish Arch in Galway city. Please come along and show your support.

Thank you

Megan Vine Ratnayake on behalf of The Melting Pot Luck committee